CSS Tweaks, Hacking WordPress, WordPress Tweaks
When having text that can’t be changed with the jQuery (in that particular place there is to much javaScriptc that new jQuery don’t affect that particular text) then we need to use CSS: First make text indent (move text for the x pixels to the left) so the...
Hacking WordPress, jQuery for the WordPress, WordPress Tweaks
To be able to add jQuery to the WordPress you first need to create js folder in your theme / child-theme directory. After that create example.js file in the js directory. Then in the functions.php add next code: /*add jquery to the WP*/ add_action(...
CSS Tweaks, Hacking WordPress, Optimize WordPress, WordPress Tweaks
Source: Step by Step – How to Combine CSS Stylesheets Into 1 File in WordPress • SpeedRak.com : SpeedRak.com
Hacking WordPress, Optimize WordPress, WordPress Tweaks
Source: How to Move JavaScripts to the Footer in WordPress – a Quick Fix • SpeedRak.com : SpeedRak.com
Hacking WordPress, WordPress Tweaks
To be able to change session expiration time in WordPress next lines of code must be placed in function.php. Time format: if you want to set expiration tome to 60 seconds set $expiration = 60, or 2 hours and 12 minutes set $expiration = 2*00*12. ...
Hacking WordPress, WordPress Tweaks
Add this code into functions.php in order to register your custom sidebar: function my_custom_sidebar() { register_sidebar( array ( ‘name’ => __( ‘Custom’, ‘your-theme-domain’ ), ‘id’ =>...