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To be able to change session expiration time in WordPress next lines of code must be placed in function.php.

Time format: if you want to set expiration tome to 60 seconds  set $expiration = 60, or 2 hours and 12 minutes set $expiration = 2*00*12.


add_filter('auth_cookie_expiration', 'my_expiration_filter', 99, 3);
function my_expiration_filter($seconds, $user_id, $remember){

//if "remember me" is checked;
if ( $remember ) {
//WP defaults to 2 weeks;
$expiration = 14*24*60*60; //UPDATE HERE;
} else {
//WP defaults to 48 hrs/2 days;
$expiration = 2*24*60*60; //UPDATE HERE;

if ( PHP_INT_MAX - time() < $expiration ) {
//Fix to a little bit earlier!
$expiration = PHP_INT_MAX - time() - 5;

return $expiration;