.htaccess redirection from the old domain name to new one
To be able to redirect all links from the old domain to new one you need to edit .htaccess file on the old domain like this: RewriteEngine on RewriteCond %{HTTP_HOST} ^ [NC,OR] RewriteCond %{HTTP_HOST} ^[NC] RewriteRule ^(.*)$...
Change session expire time in WordPress
To be able to change session expiration time in WordPress next lines of code must be placed in function.php. Time format: if you want to set expiration tome to 60 seconds set $expiration = 60, or 2 hours and 12 minutes set $expiration = 2*00*12. ...
Creating full width (100% ) container inside fixed width container.
One of the ways to create full width container inside fixed width container .row-full{ width: 100vw; position: relative; margin-left: -50vw; height: 100px; margin-top: 100px; left: 50%; }
How to Edit WooCommerce Checkout Fields
Adding a simple function to the child theme’s functions.php <?php // WooCommerce Checkout Fields Hook add_filter( 'woocommerce_checkout_fields' , 'custom_wc_checkout_fields' ); // Change order comments placeholder and label, and set billing phone number to not...
Add a Custom Sidebar to a WordPress Theme
Add this code into functions.php in order to register your custom sidebar: function my_custom_sidebar() { register_sidebar( array ( 'name' => __( 'Custom', 'your-theme-domain' ), 'id' => 'custom-side-bar', 'description' => __( 'Custom Sidebar',...
Online SSL web page checker
The great way to check is you page SSL secured Source: Why No Padlock? - Why is my SSL web page insecure? Find the culprit! What Is an SSL Certificate and Why You Should Care
We are take care of
We currently take care of:
Exclude autoptimize on specific pages
The example of the code in example in autoptimize/autoptimize_helper.php: add_filter('autoptimize_filter_noptimize','my_ao_noptimize',10,0); function my_ao_noptimize() { if (strpos($_SERVER['REQUEST_URI'],'no-autoptimize-now')!==false) { return true; } else { return...
Center absolutely positioned element in div
This is the one of the ways to center absolutely positioned element in the div. .centered-axis-x { position: absolute; left: 50%; transform: translate(-50%, 0); }
.htaccess force SSL
To force SSL / https:// on domain add those code to the .htaccess file: RewriteCond %{HTTPS} off # First rewrite to HTTPS: # Don't put www. here. If it is already there it will be included, if not # the subsequent rule will catch it. RewriteRule .*...